Submitted by Roberta Nadler, Member, ProConnectLA
As most of my friends and business associates know, I am all about "connection" at my core. I believe that connection is vital to success. It is, in fact, the very essence of success, therefore making, for the purpose of this discussion, the best “S(uccess) Sense” when it comes to building any business.
Our lives, businesses, and careers are amazingly blended. As much as we would like, we cannot rigidly compartmentalize our lives in an effort to maximize our business effectiveness, nor should that be our objective. Today, the opposite is true.
Our business and skill sets blend into our personal life, and vice-versa. The line between the two will be virtually invisible in the very near future. We connect, we learn, we experience…and we are accountable today more than ever before.
Truthfulness and transparency is the only way to go. We have to be mindful of how our actions in our business or personal lives affect others at all times. It's part of the formula. Communication skills are high-level, high-value, high-priority executive currency.
We (or our business) change with EVERY connection! Google executives talk about “micro moments” and how they affect the Semantic Search. The same is true with every connection or personal or business interaction.
Who cares? Everybody. Change is the inevitable result of connection -- and change is what drives creativity, innovation, success. Businesses change because of connections with vendors, clients, employees, and lighting speed. Let's be mindful of the impact that connection has upon our lives. Though often difficult to measure or quantify (although we try), it is there. It is real. It is constant.
Tomorrow is different and unique, BECAUSE of our connections and our interactions. Quality connections and interactions DO create an amazing future, an amazing business, and an amazing opportunity to effect dramatic meaningful change…and prosper as a direct result.
That, my friends, is a centuries-proven universal truth. Good “S-Sense.”
But it’s up to us to make it work – right here, right now. See you out there!
A multi-faceted marketing consultant and distributor; award-winning speaker; celebrated promotional SWAG mayven; Roberta Nadler is a recognized can-do catalyst in the disciplines of strategic business communication and expansion. Since 1987, her company, Connect-the-Dots Advertising, has listened and responded and adapted and expanded amidst the challenges posed by an ever-changing marketing climate.
To schedule a connection, explore a collaboration or find out more about how Roberta can maximize your platform and profit potential, please reach out to Connect–the-Dots Advertising or call 818 888 9876.